
Horns Held High!

Metal Design Militia is a metal/design blog dedicated to bringing the two worlds together to discuss the elements surrounding graphic design and art in metal. This will including band logos, cover art, packaging, layouts, photography, websites, and anything in between. Any heavy music will be discussed, such as Death, Thrash, Black, Grind, Doom, and whatever else lurks in the depths of Metaldom.

One of the things I'd like to accomplish through this blog is to bring attention to the importance of good art and design for metal bands; that not only is it necessary, but may be a crucial element of selling a complete package that comes full circle with the music itself.

This will be occasionally be spell checked and sometimes updated daily.

My name is Paul Von Slagle. I am currently a design student, with some experience of metal logo design. I live in the mountains of North Carolina, and I was born in 1984. I was inspired to create this blog after reading blog after blog about the importance of design in the commercial field. Feeling a lack of coverage of design in metal culture, I decided to start my own blog about the subject.

This blog reflects my own views and tastes, and I don't expect anyone to agree with me. If your work is presented here and you want it removed, please email me at paulvonslagle at gmaildotcom.

If there is something that you feel that should be posted, feel free to email me at paulvonslagle at gmaildotcom.

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