
It ain't no Secret...

It's no Secret why I love this band, they have great tastes in art and design (they're Italian, of COURSE they do!). Here we see the cover art from their latest release, Solve Et Coagula, which was just released this month on Southern Lord and it's gaining massive headway in the metal scene. The cover is a two color print job in gold and black, and features an outstanding goat silhouette illustration by the amazing Justin Bartlett.

Amazingly haunting work. 

More bands need to take cues from The Secret, that simplicity in packaging and design can make you stand out in an industry drenched in over-photoshopped logos and covers.

Their logo even being just as simple, has one distinct characteristic that makes it stand apart from the rest: it's reversible. The logo can be read the same way right-side-up as it can be upside-down.

Much like the lettering that appears in Dan Brown's novel, Angels and Demons, the same approach has been borrowed here, creating a distinct looking logo that will stay relevant and classic for years and years to come.

Staying away from cliches, The Secret is blazing their own trail, and will continue to infiltrate our ears with their barrage of crusty grindcore.


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